Knights Without Parachutes

A Blog of Great War Stories

Rickenbacker's Revenge
2017-10-14 14:11 "Instead they found a mudhole and a tough Swiss-German engineer with a grammar-school education and the grubbiest of chores for them to perform. They made sarcastic comments both behind my back and to...
Eugene Bullard vs. the Flying Circus
2017-10-06 14:04 This hurt me deeply. Then, as now, my love for my own country was strong. I got some comfort out of knowing that I was able to go on fighting on the same front and in the same cause as other citizens ...
Spiders as Passengers on WWI Airplane
2017-10-05 14:00 He noticed some spiderwebs attached to his struts trailing in his slipstream, not breaking even at speeds of 90 mph.
Ernst Udet on Chivalry in the Air
2017-09-23 13:52 "We continue to twist and turn. Beautiful flying if the stakes weren't so high. I never had such a tactically agile opponent. For seconds, I forget that the man across from me is Guynemer, my enemy."
World War I Aerial Adventure Written by a Pilot
2017-09-16 13:43 Real adventure stories are few and far between, and hardly ever happen to the same person...except in a very few periods in history involving exceptional circumstances and exceptional people, such as ...
Return of the Red Baron
2017-09-08 13:34 Failing to recognize this new and lasting symbol of the Red Baron could be deadly. Richthofen's sixtieth victory on 2 September had included an observer who, thinking he was seeing an approaching Sopw...

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